No, and you will miss classes as life has a habit of disrupting the best laid plans. But that is your life.
To keep our admin cost effective, it is not viable to continually change and refund and accrue because this or that happened within the scope of your personal life.
The personal development aspects of a Krav Maga practitioner is to build resilience and sovereignty over your personal circumstances. Occasionally we get people obsessed with the concept of refunds and missed classes and accruals. We are extremely flexible within reason if we know in advance, but we won’t be customising our operations for individuals paying the standard fees.
For example if you travel or work shifts, and want to make ongoing requests such “stop payments from the 12th to 18th, and then again on the 27th to the 31st because I’m on shifts and traveling. And I forgot to tell you about the 1st to the 8th of last month when I was sick, so can I get a refund?”
If this is you, we can discuss alternative fees to accommodate the level of flexibility you require that will cover the additional administrative time and costs incurred to process these requests. For the most part, it’s a good idea to accept that you will miss classes, and we don’t offer pay-as-go.